Enjoy a fun event with your student. Click here for more information.
The Martin Luther chapter of the National Honor Society looks for ways to promote leadership, create enthusiasm for scholarship, encourage character development, and provide service to the Martin Luther community.
Juniors and seniors at Martin Luther High School can apply to join the National Honor Society with a 3.3 cumulative GPA. To be considered, students must meet the minimum service hour requirement of 40 hours for juniors and 60 hours for seniors (from freshman year to the application time). Students are then assessed by a five-member faculty panel on their character and leadership abilities.
NHS members must attend all monthly meetings, complete fifty hours of service (twenty hours for Theology class and thirty additional hours for NHS), and participate in three sanctioned events each year to remain members and graduate with honors cords as seniors.
Any students interested in helping others at Martin Luther and the surrounding communities can attend Service Committee meetings and join our club. We serve by hosting blood drives, sponsoring the angel tree, raising money for different organizations, hosting teacher appreciation day, running food drives, etc. Meetings are at 7:30, one or two Wednesdays a month.
The Spirit Committee at Martin Luther is designed to provide activities and events that create and build a positive and enthusiastic school community. It also provides opportunities to raise money for the school's needs.
Activities include: Spartathon, Mr. Student Body, Senior Servant Sale, Candy Cane Sale, Valentine's Day Candy Sale, Spirit Week/Class Competitions, Dress Up Days, School Decorating, and members are enthusiastic, eager to help, excited about planning events, and efficient in completing tasks.
Spartathon is a whole-school fundraiser usually held in September. We have half a day of regular classes and then run class competitions until the end of the day. Students must raise at least $25 to participate in the events and earn spirit points for their class in the Spirit competitions, which culminate at the end of Homecoming week. This day is a blast! Check out the video.
Martin Luther High School is proud to offer an exciting, competitive, and educational Robotics Club. The club participates in the First Tech Challenge (FTC) section of FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology), a worldwide STEM-focused organization dedicated to inspiring the young to be science and technology leaders. FTC is designed for students in grades 7-12 to compete head to head, using a sports model. Teams are responsible for designing, building, and programming their robots to compete in an alliance format against other teams. The robot kit is reusable from year to year and is programmed using a variety of languages. Teams, including coaches, mentors, and volunteers, must develop strategies and build robots based on sound engineering principles. Awards are given for the competition and for community outreach, design, and other real-world accomplishments. In FTC, students get to:
5201 South 76th Street
Greendale, WI 53129
P 414.421.4000
F 414.421.4071
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